Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Digital Artist's Canvas Proposal

"I am aware that I will be evaluated on the final product and on my successful presentation of my concept or theme. I am aware that Peter must approve this project idea before I continue."

Here is what I learned during my research:
I learned that the meaning of respect and peace means alot to people everywere in different ways. I also found out that there is a big part of respect and peace that will make peoples lives more enjoyable.

Here are three ideas/topics that I have thought of:
1. police-Police keep the bad things away from us. Thier role modeling helps us learn to show respect and live in peace and equality.
2. helpfullness- When the primeminister campaings himself in elections he wants to show people respect for thier country and also advertising peace in thier country for people.
3. kindness- When people are kind to oneanother that shows respect for oneanother, making a good peacefull enviorment to live in.

The idea I have chosen to pursue is:
3. kindness- When people are kind to oneanother that shows respect for oneanother, making a good peacefull enviorment to live in.

1 comment:

Peter said...

Hey Colin,

Good work young man. :)

Your ideas are worth pursuing and I certainly hope to see and 'hear' lots of your thoughts and ideas this semester. This is a course where I want to see you expressing yourself 'loudly' through the media.

Glad you are in this course.